Severn Sound
Environmental Association

Defending Our Waters:

Summer's Crayfish Campaign

Current Midland Weather

Current Lafontaine Weather

Who we are

The Severn Sound Environmental Association (SSEA) is a Joint Municipal Service Board under the Municipal Act (Section 202). It was originally founded in 1997 as a partnership between federal, provincial and municipal partners to support the completion of the Severn Sound Remedial Action Plan (SSRAP) and to provide a local, community-based environmental office in the Severn Sound watershed. The SSEA provides continuing support to the federal and provincial agencies, but particularly to the local municipalities, to sustain environmental quality and to ensure continued protection through wise stewardship of Severn Sound and its tributaries.

Find out about

Source Water Protection
Source Water Protection

Drinking Water Source Protection in the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region and the Severn Sound Source Protection Authority.

Invasive Species
Invasive Species

SSEA​’s Invasive Species Program involves working with our partners to prevent, detect, monitor and manage invasive species in the Severn Sound area.

Tree Planting
Habitat Restoration Tree Planting

Tree planting projects that Severn Sound Environmental Association supports.

Award Nomination Forms
SSEA Partners Reception
2023 Awards Event

Each year we recognize those who are dedicated and truly interested in improving the Severn Sound Watershed and area.

2023 Tre​e Seedling Distribution Program
2024 Tre​e Seedling Distribution Program

Severn Sound Environmental Association, several North Simcoe municipalities, and the Township of Georgian Bay are working together to implement the 2024 Tree Seedling Distribution Program

Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Citizen Science Monitoring Programs In Severn Sound

SSEA relies on a range of Citizen Science Monitoring opportunities to help with data collection in the Severn Sound area while engaging with the public.

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What services does the SSEA provide?

Environmental Monitoring

Expert Data Collection & Analysis

Report Writing

DWSP– Risk Management Services

Tree planting & Seedling distribution


Habitat & Natural Heritage Assessments

Municipal planning & policy review & advice

Stewardship Project Development & Facilitation

Biological Expertise (incl. Invasive Species)

Sustainability Planning

Let us help you find what you are looking for

Nearshore Fish Habitat Inventory icon white


Nearshore Fish Habitat Inventory icon white

Minutes and Agendas

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How to

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Available Jobs

Members white

SSEA Municipal Members

vision icon


We see the future… Severn Sound will be the most resilient and thriving Great Lakes watershed.

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At Severn Sound Environmental Association, we are committed to ensuring exceptional​ environmental quality and exemplary stewardship of the Severn Sound area through sound science, collaboration and partnerships.​​

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each year
10 +

Locations monitored

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since 1997
1000 +

Trees Planted

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0 km²

Watershed Area Serviced

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Municipal Members

Our Services Impact Our Community

What We Achieved

We have had tremendous success in improving the water quality of Severn Sound. Working with others, we have been successful in having the Severn Sound area delisted as an Area of Concern. Our success in large measure comes from an innovative and collaborative governance model that has, since its inception, focused on partnerships and producing results. This combined with our dedicated team of expert staff has allowed us and our partners, to be champions for Severn Sound. We continue to monitor water quality, fish and habitat and our efforts with others have resulted in extensive tree plantings, land stewardship, sustainability and source water protection initiatives, all designed to leave a lasting and improved environmental legacy for the next generation.

You have the power to help make Severn Sound the most resilient and thriving Great Lakes watershed.
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