Award Nomination Forms

Nominations for the 2023 SSEA Awards are now closed and applications are being reviewed.

Severn Sound Environmental Legacy Award (Nomination Form)

This award is inspired by the outstanding naturalists and environmentalists that dedicated much of their lives to supporting and improving the environment of Severn Sound and inspired others to do the same. These individuals took the time to recognize the good work others were doing in conservation and did not look for recognition themselves. This award honours the legacy of these exceptional individuals and the continued outstanding action and leadership occurring in the watershed today.​

This award honours the legacy of conservation and education by left by gifted naturalists, biologists, scientists, educators; people with a passion and commitment to the environment, the water, natural heritage and sustainability in Severn Sound. This award recognizes individuals who have made substantial contributions to Severn Sound and its watershed.  Who champion and inspire others through their actions, passion and commitment.  Individuals who are leaving or have left a legacy that inspires others to be environmental champions. 

Severn Sound Student Environmental Champion Award
(Nomination For​m)

Severn Sound Student Environmental Champion Award recognizes outstanding students in the Severn Sound area that have shown enthusiasm, energy, initiative and commitment toward the natural environment, and serve as an inspiration to other students. Has implemented action through a campaign or project that has raised environmental awareness or led to environmentally friendly change in the student’s class, school or community; aligns their environmental beliefs with their actions and be​haviours at school and at home.​

Severn Sound Environmental Volunteer Champion Award​​ (Nomination Form)

Severn Sound Environmental Volunteer Champion award celebrates and recognizes an individual or group that has been involved with a volunteer initiative to help improve the Severn Sound watershed and ecosystem.

Severn Sound Environmental Sustainability and Stewardship Champion Award
(Nomination For​m)

Severn Sound Environmental Sustainability and Stewardship Champion Award recognizes an individual or group that has contributed to the stewardship of the Severn Sound environment through the demonstration of outstanding leadership, creativity and innovation in forging Sustainability in the watershed and ecosystem.


The Nomination forms are fillable PDF files that can be c​ompleted and emailed to the SSEA Office. For your convenience, a “Submit Nomination” button has been provided on each form. After selecting the button, you will be prompted to specify the email program you would like to open and then the form will be attached to an email to Save the pdf to your hard drive, fill it out using Adobe Reader and either send it using the button (within Reader) or save the filled in form and send it directly to our office. 

​Please note, the “Submit Nomination” buton may not work if the PDF is viewed from a web browser such as Chrome or Edge. If this is the case , please download and open the PDF in Adobe Reader.

We also accept forms via fax, mail and hand delivery. Please contact our office for more information. 

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