

Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network

The PGMN is a partnership between Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), 36 conservation authorities and municipalities. SSEA has participated in the program since 2005. The objective of the network is to collect and manage baseline groundwater level and quality information from key aquifers across Ontario. The PGMN program uses a standardized approach to monitor the 500 wells province wide, making them comparable across the province.

The formal agreement states MECP is responsible for coordination, data analysis/reporting, maintaining the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Information System (PGMIS) and training staff. SSEA is responsible for the field operations including the maintenance of well equipment, collection of water level data, water samples, and the completion of technical reports on local levels and quality.

SSEA manages 9 PGMN wells within the watershed. 

Visit the PGMN website to view the location of wells throughout Ontario and the Severn Sound watershed. Access to water level, chemistry and other data is also provided by following the Open Data Catalogue link.

PGMN Monitoring Wells in the Severn Sound Watershed 

SSEA manages 9 PGMN wells within the watershed. Each well is equipped with a level logger to continuously record ambient water levels and temperature on an hourly basis. Manually static water levels are recorded quarterly, to verify logger data and compensated for barometric pressure (2 loggers within watershed).

Water quality samples are collected at 6 of the 9 wells annually, in the fall for chemistry and metal parameters. MECP protocols are followed and samples are submitted and analyzed at an MECP laboratory.

Information generated by the PGMN provides vital baseline conditions and to assess how groundwater is affected by land and water use, identifies trends, emerging issues and provides data for the development and implementation of water management programs and activities. The programs and activities include: source protection plans, nutrient management plans, water taking application reviews, drought response decisions and resolution of groundwater interference complaints.

Monitoring groundwater levels and quality helps set baseline conditions, and to assess how groundwater is affected by land and water uses, identifies trends, emerging issues and provides data for the development and implementation of water management programs and activities. The programs and activities include: source protection plans, nutrient management plans, water taking application reviews, drought response decisions and resolution of groundwater interference complaints.

Additional Groundwater Monitoring Wells in Severn Sound

The SSEA thanks the Ontario Geological Survey and local municipalities for supporting the establishment of 8 additional monitoring wells within the Severn Sound watershed.
All wells have manual static water levels collected quarterly and 6 of the 8 wells are equipped with a level logger that continuously records ambient water levels and temperature on an hourly basis. For more information about groundwater sampling,

For more information about groundwater sampling contact:

Paula Madill, Ecosystem Technologist           
705-534-7283 ext. 203

SSEA Ecosystem Technologist
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