Severn Sound Source Protection Authority

Risk Management

The SSEA provides services as a Risk Management Official and Risk Management Inspector under the Clean Water Act, 2006 Part IV delegation agreements for the following municipalities; the Townships of Georgian Bay, Oro-Medonte, Severn, Tay, Tiny, the Towns of Midland and Penetanguishene, as well as the District Municipality of Muskoka.

SSSPA Meetings, Minutes, and Agendas

A schedule of the quarterly Severn Sound Source Water Protection Authority meetings as well as minutes from past meetings and agendas for upcoming meetings are available. 


The Severn Sound Source Protection Area Assessment Report describes both the vulnerability of municipal drinking water systems to deterioration in water quality and quantity, and those activities that could be significant threats to drinking water (SSSPA AR, 2010). The Assessment Reports received Ministry of Environment approval on January 26, 2015. 

The South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Plan is a document with local policies that serves to protect current and future municipal drinking water sources from overuse and contamination. It was approved by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change on January 26, 2015 and took effect on July 1, 2015.

To know more visit the SSEA YouTube channel


For more information contact:

Melissa Carruthers, Manager Source Water Protection – RMO/RMI
​Mail: Severn Sound Environmental Association
​489 Finlayson Street, P.O. Box 460
​Port McNicoll, Ontario L0K 1R0
705-534-7283 ext. 205


2024 Severn Sound Source Protection Authority


South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region Committee Members

The South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region Committee exists to ensure an open process is followed in the development of reasonable, science based policies that protect municipal sources of drinking water now and into the future. 

North Simcoe Municipal Groundwater Study

In 2001, a study of local groundwater resources of the North Simcoe Study Area was completed. The study delineated local aquifers, identified risks to groundwater quality and quantity, completed Wellhead Protection Area delineation for all municipal water supplies and provided planning tools for protecting and managing groundwater (NSMGW Study, 2001).

Lessons Learned: Protecting Drinking Water in the Rural Township of Tiny, Severn Sound

Drinking Water Source Protection is part of a multi barrier approach to protecting municipal drinking water in Ontario. In Severn Sound, two municipal wells are experiencing elevated nitrate concentrations. Maintaining high quality ground and surface water for generations to come takes a community approach, from agriculture to residential and cottage landowners. Lessons learned in building community trust, actions taken, and questions still to be answered in protecting a shared resource. (Presentation to Northeast Agricultural/ Biological Engineering Conference, 2023 Sponsored by ASABE Guelph, Ontario, Canada August 1, 2023) Download 

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