Wetland Evaluations
Wetlands are unique, fascinating and diverse ecosystems.

SSEA has completed eight wetland evaluations to date: St. Andrew’s Lake Wetland, Sucker Creek Wetlands, Penetang Marsh, Thunder Bay Swamp, Midland Swamp, Midland Little Lake Wetland, Tiny Bog Wetland and North River Swamp.
Wetlands are lands that are covered with shallow water and contain water-saturated soils and water-tolerant or water-loving plants.
The Province maintains the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (OWES), a standard protocol for evaluating wetlands to determine their significance for land use planning purposes.
In partnership with local municipalities, SSEA has evaluated several local wetlands using the OWES. Fieldwork is conducted in spring, summer and fall, to assess features, map and describe vegetation communities, and collect information on species and habitat in the wetland. The evaluations are submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources for review and acceptance.
For more information on SSEA wetland evaluations, contact:
Michelle Hudolin, Wetlands & Habitat Biologist
705-534-7283 ext. 202